The Third Body

A two-part show, this first iteration takes on the theme of utterances. 

April 9th - April 30th, 2022

AUTOMAT Collective

Philadelphia, PA 

The Third Body explores how we author some of the most interior experiences we have as beings-in-bodies – the ways in which we may convey experiences of pain, decay, difference, grief, tenderness, and care. In these expressions and recollections, the artists of The Third Body plumb the formal possibilities of language, remnants, landscapes of memory, and fragmentations across space. Their work creates a site of encounter, where we find ourselves invited into the presence of a third body, a body born between threads of emerging sensation and thought.  

The Third Body is a two-part show emphasizing process and re-making, with the second part to take place during the fall of 2022. This first iteration takes on the theme of utterances. The show includes artists Nicki CherryJessica FuquayRachel Hsu, and Aaron Storm. Curated by AUTOMAT members Lydia Smith and Addison Namnoum.



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